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charging hopper中文是什么意思

用"charging hopper"造句"charging hopper"怎么读"charging hopper" in a sentence


  • 加料漏斗
  • 装料漏斗


  • Design of a new type curved surface charging hopper
  • In order to get a reasonable layout of technological process , the breaker is designed in two ways of installation of which customers can make a choice . with the operator facing the charging hopper , the motor installed on the left side is called left installation , otherwise , called right installation . they can not be exchanged with each other
    为适应合理的工作流程布置,我厂设计有左、右安装两种形式,供用户选择,左右安装的区别为:以人面对机器进料口为准,如电动机布置在左侧为“左装”反之,电动机布置在右侧为“右装” ,两种型式不能互换。
  • According to fuel and and operation condition in chongqing iron and steel group corporation , many kinds of advanced technologies are adopted , such as closed loop soft water circulation cooling , copper cooling stave , bell - less top with central charging hopper , carbon bricks combined furnace bottom with ceramic cup , russia top burner type hot air stove , duplex preheating of hot air stove , and nut coke charging
用"charging hopper"造句  
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